Lumpy when cold?

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by ginge191, Jan 6, 2016.

  1. I've read around about cold limiters and the such like and wondering whether this is something similar?

    When it's cold in the morning and i'm trying to pull round a bus, pull up a hill or similar, it hesitates and often feels non-responsive/laggy?

    I don't by any means rag the car from cold at all, but seems it lacks responsiveness in the cold or early starting?

    Someone please help before I start spending money to chase an imaginary problem.

  2. This is a pretty common trademark on the F4R/T they're all a bit laggy or kangaroo like when cold.
  3. Is it because of anything in particular? Can it be helped?
  4. Not as far as I'm aware, normally if you let it sit and warm up for 5 mins before setting off its fine. My Megane isn't really that bad, I notice it some mornings and sometimes it's perfect. My Clio 200 I had before was horrendous
  5. I have the same issue as many do, as said let it warm up before you said does the job although not always practical, mine sorts itself out after say 20 seconds or so from cold, I rang rs tuning about it, they told me it's normal
  6. Fuel sometimes.
  7. Renault tech told me its a wonder they idle at all on cold start,the way Renault set it up.
    They all do it.
  8. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator

    As said, Its just a trait of the F4R(T)'s, Mine can be pretty horrendous at times for it if its been sitting a while and you try to drive it straight away, Looks like you can't drive LOL
  9. Well it's nice to know I'm not alone with this one!

    Thanks for all the input !
  10. I was convinced something was wrong with mine due to these cold starts.. The revs would bounce up and down if I tried to pull away too quick after starting. Especially on a hill. That's the only time I've ever experienced it.

    Just give it a min to idle and you should be fine.
  11. Well the search function has paid off.

    I've noticed lately a lumpy idle if trying to drive off quick from a cold start. Pleased or should that be relieved to know its a common trait.
  12. Feels like a truck when cold sometimes, smooths out once up to temps. Seems to vary from what I remember in both Clio and Megane on the weather and outside temps I find too.

    I suppose we should call it 'character' to avoid just saying it's French :smiley:
  13. It's almost like its missing, yesterday was particularly bad. Leaving the car park eager to get home and basically kangaroo'd for the first 10 meters, then fine!

    Yeah, it's character.... Ha. Just like the footwells full of water, character.
  14. Exactly like my car, but it is suggested to warm up at 3-5min before starting to drive anyway, especially on turbo car.
  15. Remap sorts it, it's because the ecu pulls out alot of timing in favour of warming up the cat....
  16. I have a remap and don't have a cat. Still does it but leaving it a minute seems to sort it. Annoying if in a rush though.
  17. Not had my 275 cup s for long , but have noticed it. It was far worse on my clio 200 though. That would backfire if you decided to move it before it wanted to move !!
    I like how they are grumpy when they've been sat over night or been sat for a week. It shows charm !!!
  18. @Bowen
    A remap can sort it, depends who does it and if they change anything to that part.
  19. Hi all. I have noticeda few times now that even when warm my 225 becomes very lumpy when sitting on a hill. Its most noticeable if im sitting at traffic lights on a hill. Does anyone have an idea as to what causes this and is it cureable? Thanks
  20. I have that issue too but I think it's possibly a vacuum leak because if I sit the revs up at about 1100rpm then it goes away mostly
  21. Hi and apologies for not posting this sooner. I totally forgot. Anyway i got the issue sorted. Turns out it was the engine mounting / shock absorber thing that had failed. Left the car in to the dealer and they figured it out and now the car is spot on.
  22. Si.


    I had awful lumpyness on hills when i first got my 225, almost like it was going to cut out. In my case it turned out to be naff/dirty injectors. Since replacing them no problems at all

    Its still lumpy as hell after being sat for a few weeks though!

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