R26.R lower B-Pillar cover's clip/plug

Discussion in 'Electrical & Interior - Security, ICE, Wiring Loom' started by engine killer, Sep 3, 2021.

  1. Dear all,

    My Megane II's B-pillar lower cover clips/plugs are broken but I couldn't find any info about the replacement clips/plugs. Can anyone shed me a light on the part number or ebay link for buying replacement please, thanks a million. WhatsApp Image 2021-09-03 at 10.16.00.jpeg WhatsApp Image 2021-09-03 at 10.15.38.jpeg
  2. thanks a million matt e

    sadly that the clips cost £3.59 for 20 but £9.99 for delivery
  3. matt e

    matt e South East RSM Area Rep

    must be able to get them aliexpress
    engine killer likes this.
  4. WhatsApp Image 2021-09-29 at 15.25.15.jpeg
    the product is the one above

    but it came out like that and I was worrying will they fit
    WhatsApp Image 2021-09-29 at 15.24.37.jpeg

    luckily they work pretty good, thanks again matt e

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