Lower arm bushes/anti twist links/drop links

Discussion in 'Suspension, Brakes, Wheels & Tyres section' started by Steve1, Jul 30, 2014.

  1. Can this lot be changed on the drive way or does it need to go on a ramp
  2. Cal


    Drop links can certainly be done on a jack. Can't comment on the others sorry.
  3. Cheers mate, think I'll need a ramp for the other stuff
  4. Anything can be done on the drive. the links are a piece of cake. You've gotta replace the whole arm to replace the bushes haven't you? That's easy enough just gotta drop the front part of the subframe.
  5. Ramp is obv easier but everything to do with a car can be done on a drive if u have the tools
  6. Rear bush can be replaced with a solid item.
  7. Easily done on the drive pal

  8. Do you have a link for these drivers arm rear bush is splitting will need replacing soon fo sure

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