250 Low rumbling noise from what I can only assume is exhaust

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by jostheboss, Aug 31, 2014.

  1. I think my Meg 250 has a cracked exhaust manifold. Making an awful noise but drive/performance isn't affected. The noise is really low and rumbling, with quite a bit of vibration, and this is at idle-2k revs. Above 2k its not as bad, but obviously not right. I can still hear the turbo spooling up and it still feels punchy so I'm confident its nothing major with the engine/turbo.

    Anyone heard of this before?

    Had a look underneath and there's nothing hanging off, exhaust isn't loose, obviously can't see a lot from the top. Annoyingly can't do anything at Renault till Monday when hopefully they can diagnose!!
  2. Check the gearbox mount hasn't broken. If it was the exhaust I'd imagine the noise would get louder the higher up the revs you go.
  3. 10/10 young man. It's being fixed tomorrow at SMC Renault Aldershot. As it's just out of warranty and a low mileage car, they've got Renault UK to contribute 50% as well.
  4. Ah well at least you don't need to pay the whole bill. Glad your getting it sorted
  5. Yeh they were really good actually considering I just dropped it off this morning without them knowing. Just a shame they didn't have a courtesy car!
  6. Just had mine done. Heard quite a few gone on 250's. It was the bolt that had sheared not the mount on mine tho. Mount was ok. Either badly designed bolt, flawed material or had vibrated loose somehow which caused it to snap.
  7. We're abouts is this mount? Is it accessible?
  8. I retract my statement about them being quite good - they ordered the wrong part so I'm without a car again for another day.
  9. Renault did revise the part i beleive
  10. Under the battery tray mate.
  11. Cheers mike!
  12. No probs.

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