Hey! So, my 250's been doing this for a while (it's a 2011 non-Cup, so regular dif.). It's quite a loud, mechanical noise, that's most noticeable at lower speeds - if I reverse at low speed, and press down the clutch, it clunks/clatters rather quite loudly, for a few seconds. Car also seems to jolt when releasing the accelerator, and then again when pressing it. If I set the cruise control, it will jolt when doing slight adjustments in the speed. At first I suspected it was the DMF acting up, so had it replaced alongside new clutch and slave cylinder, all OE parts. Also changed the left driveshaft, as it was a bit knackered after the boot seal split a while ago... No apparent change in the sound, though. Any ideas? I know sounds are always difficult to help diagnose on a forum, but thought I'd ask here before spending more pennies.