Looking for advice on a 172 engine swap for a Ph1 Megane Coupe

Discussion in 'New to the Club? Why not introduce yourself?' started by Adam97Megane, Apr 18, 2015.

  1. Hey everyone,

    As above, I have been driving my Megane Coupe (1997 1.6 8v) for over six years now (it being my first car) and I've always wanted to do this conversion. Now it looks like I'll be moving on to something newer so the chance has come for me to start considering whether or not swapping a 172 engine into it would be a realistic prospect. I know about Scotty's project that was more or less done except for the unfortunate issues he had with it, but he seems to have disappeared off the face of the earth since.

    Realistically, how much of a pain do you think this would be to do? Any info on exactly what I'd have to replace, adjust, make, etc would be much appreciated. Also, any alternatives for engines that would be a better fit; I know the F7R would probably be a lot simpler but finding one worth having might be tough these days.

    Here's some background I've found on cliosport;


    If the engine swap went well I'd probably go on to take out the rear seats, and re-trim the inside with alcantara-style stuff and fake carbon fibre after uprating the brakes and suspension. Completely ridiculous for a car that cost £500 6 years ago, but good for a laugh and definitely a learning experience. I absolutely love the car to bits and it's done well for me despite the abuse it's had, so I'd love to be able to spend a bit of time on it and give it some proper TLC.

    Thanks a lot in advance!

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