Bit of a random one - I'm away for 3 months, and worried the battery will start to die and the alarm start playing up, so planning on disabling it and disconnecting the battery, but clearly want to lock the car (not garaged). Is it possible to lock the car with the key only (hence no alarm)? Thanks, Ross Ps. - Its a Megane 3 RS
There are solar powered trickle chargers available One of these may be an option ...
You could add some flying leads to the battery that you can get to easily so if the battery does die you can recharge it without having to open the bonnet - though not sure how the alarm behaves as the battery discharges fully?
Could you not pop the bonnet, lock the car then disconnect the battery? Then close the bonnet and when you come back open the passenger door with the little key. Sent from my CLT-L09 using Tapatalk