Liquid Yellow R26 No.2549

Discussion in 'Megane Projects' started by ChrisC, May 18, 2015.

  1. They look amazing Chris!!!!!
  2. Thanks dude :smile: shame you can't really see them when they're fitted!

    soooo had a few parcels turn up this week........









    Not the best of pics as I was struggling for light when I opened the seats.

    Getting them fitted on Friday, literally cannot wait. I am getting some subframes made up, since XL seats are quiet tight on the ktec subframes and mean modifying them, I thought I'd get some made up, I've designed them and they will allow for 6 point harnesses to be used and will make it easier using eyelets for both sides of he lap belt.
    I also decided to use a runner on drivers side just for ease of adjusting the seating position.

    Bit tight on time since I'm at donington on Saturday lol. But it should all go to plan, he knows what to expect and said it shouldn't take too long to make them up, more so the second one since it will just be the opposit of the first one he makes. Cost wise is actually quite good but I'll find out the exact price on Friday when I pick he car up.
  3. Great read mate! Cars coming along nicely! Would you be interested in selling you standard shocks and Cooksport springs? Also do you still have the Ktech back box and straight exhaust? Sorry I'm part collecting haha thanks alot Arran
  4. Hi mate, great build thread. I spotted the OMP wheel and loved it so picked it up for my Clio. What I would like to know is what boss did you buy? If you could point me to it I'd be grateful

  5. What are you doing with the reacaro's?
  6. thanks pal :smile:

    i dont have exhaust mate that went some time ago I'm afraid. Also I'm planning on keeping the shocks and springs as I bought them new. Also if and when I com to all my car I would be more likely to return to standard, so I tend to keep things like these, my engine mounts etc and swap back to standard then.

    I'll be keeping the recaros mate, mine are in good condition and as I mentioned to the chap above I'll be swapping back to these seats if and when I come to sell the car. Or if I have a change of plans and no longer require the buckets. I like to keep my options open lol. Just a shame it's dead cash just sat there really haha.
  7. I think I may have forgotten about this thread a little!
    Quit a lot has happened since last updated, first I think I'll write up a little on silverstone now I have some pics updloaded.
    It was my first time at the track so was quite excited, it was on the GP track which was great didn't realise how big it was. The day was very wet to start with as you'll see in th pics. But by lunchtime I'd had started to dry out, the afternoon it was none dry and I managed to get the semis on in time for a bit of tuition which was very helpful, especially since I'd never been there before. Had an absolute blast though, car was faultless as usual and was a great track to start the year on. It is definitely a very fast track, and now I know a bit more and have driven it I'd like to go back and give it another go as I think it'll be A completely different experience! I didn't get many but here are a few.......

    Steve trying to keep up in this one :tongueout:

    Starting to dry out here but still a little greasy, as you will see by the 2 behind lol

    Next up I managed to finally get my seats fitted literally the day before donington so was a bit tight on time! I had initially intended on fitting my seats with ktec subframes. But with the seats being XL I struggled to get he sidemount a to fit on the subframes, so I tried a couple of different sets of sidmounts to try get enough of a fit to drill some new holes to mount the seat. Even that was proving difficult, so I decided I'd get some mounts custom made and I had an idea With the design which would allow me to run 6 point harnesses easier. So I went to see SA fabrication who is local to me, he does a lot of this kind of work as well as cages etc. The subframes were top notch and actually worked out only a tad more than K Tecs subframes. So in it all went and picked the car up on the Friday evening, had to adjust all the harnesses and trackday te next day.
    So some pics of them in, finally!!! :smile:


    Absolutely over the moon with the seats, they really do make it a different drive, the driving position is a lot better. I know in the pic it looks like my drivers seat is a lot higher but it's the angle of the passenger seat. The drivers seat is a little more vertical and also has a runner on it, I like the position and its still a lot lower than the original recaros. The seats are actually really comfy too, done a couple of longer journeys now and they've been quite good tbh!

    Donington Park GP 12-3-16
    With the seats in it was off to donington, the weather was glorious. Got there nice and early to sign in and have breakfast, Steve came along on this one too and it was also on the gp circuit, last time i did the GP circuit at donington it was Heavy rain all day, that was also my first time on it. So it was nice to go when it was dry! Had an absolute great day, killed off one of my tyres so I was holding back a little towards the end of the day but still really enjoyed it. Also got talking to a few other chaps there on the day too, got along to a couple of guys in supercharged Ariel atoms, went out in one as a passenger and wow what an experience, it was bloody quick just seemed to go round over taking everything so effortlessly. I took him out in the Megane afterwards and he was very surprised in the cars capability and how it drove. As usual had a great day, again the car was faultless. The seats made a real difference this time, it just felt so effortless you could kind of sit back and you don't tense up trying to keep yourself in your seat going round lol. With the harness up tight you just stay in place and don't move at all.


    Another update coming shortly. Need to wait for the other pics to upload and would run out of photo space on this post haha.

    Thanks for reading :smile:

    Last edited: Jun 9, 2016
  8. Looking good!

    Have never seen crossed harnesses before behind the seat - what's the thinking there?

    Also, where do you mount them on the side next to the gearbox tunnel? Is there a mounting point or do you have to make one?
  9. Thanks mate
    To be honest I had read something somewhere and thought it was better, how ever I shortly after switched them back. there seems to be mixed opinions/views online and I wasn't sure so thought id stick to what seemed the normal way

    Regarding the mount, this was another reason for the custom subframes. When they were made he took this into consideration and designed them to run standard eyelets to make it a bit easier.
  10. Update time again :smile:

    Finally bringing my project up to date now, my recent changes and probably biggest for some time now.

    First up I finally got around to fitting the AST's, was a relatively easy job since I had only fitted my cooksports and suspension refresh around 12 months ago, also it meant it all came apart nice and easy bar the main bolt through the hub that secures the shock in place, that was a pain in the ass but bar that pretty simple. I didn't even need to remove the hub fully which made it easier too, since it was all apart I also stuck some new links on. I didn't manage to get many pics as I was a bit rushed for time in fitment.....



    Once I got it all fitted, I decided to start with the front 655mm from ground and rear 665mm. I set the camber roughly by eye. The tracking wasn't touched so I knew that would be there about, it was just to get by for a month or so till the suspension settled for me to adjust it properly. A month passed by, I checked all the heights and adjusted the car so it was sat at 650mm front and 660mm rear. Then I got the car on the wheel alignment, I kept my toe where I had it set previously which was 4 mins toe out. The camber I decided to run at -2.5deg. I need to go back again this weekend just to make sure its all still about right as I have Donington booked on Monday 20th June.

    First impressions was difficult as the suspension wasn't set properly. Once I got it set, I managed to get a couple of decent drives out and its so much better than the set up with the cooksports and OE shocks. the car turns in so much better, over all feels a lot more solid. It doesn't feel too stiff or crashy, it actually drives really well on the road. Having only had it set recently it has been difficult to go for a "proper" drive. Also combined with other commitments and poor weather. How ever having a trackday approaching fast I'm really excited to see how the car drives, and the difference it has made.

    Next fairly large change :smile:
    My brakes were about shot, seals were split and could probably do with a refurb, discs were wearing down too. So I thought what the hell and decided to invest in these little beauts, ill let the pics do the talking..........


    I finally managed to get all the parts together, with a lot of help from John and some very well machined parts it really was a dead easy job. I only fitted these around 2 weeks ago on the bank holiday weekend, the only issue I ran into whilst fitting was it seems the shoulder on the HEL brake hoses caught on the 2 tabs on the RS250/265 calipers, they seem a little bigger than the earlier smaller calipers. After the fitment I still had a spot of air in the system. I thought id drive it to let the air build up and re-bleed after a drive, so the following weekend id used the car twice in the mean time, I re-bleed the brakes. I took it for a drive to bed the brakes in, and already I could spot the difference. The braking is so sharp, and from what I'm told the brakes just get better and better the more you use them, so ill go for another drive this weekend (weather permitting) to give them another good go before Donington on Monday.

    Some big changes recently, I'm really excited about the trackday Monday, I'm just really hoping the weather brightens up like its supposed to. It will give me chance to really push the car and see the difference these changes have made. I shall report back Tuesday as I'm off work with how I got on and some pics if I've uploaded them in time.


    matt e likes this.
  11. Hey Chris whereabouts did you get the brackets to mount the 250 calipers from?

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