Limp mode Check Injection Megane 225 F1 2006

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by Huskybites1, Aug 8, 2014.

  1. Hi People,

    Having a issue with my renault going into limp mode.
    Everything feels fine when the dash states Check injection and the car is limited to 2500rpm.

    Got recovered by the AA and he cheked the fault codes.
    The following was shown, Boost Pressure sensor. Cant rememeber the code, i have that at home so will post that when finished work.

    Do you think this is as it is said, the sensor just needs replacing? or could this still be a injector is dead?

    Cheers for your help.
  2. Boost pressure sensor is normally a MAP sensor, you've got 2, one on the inlet manifold and one on the boost pipe behind the battery IIRC.
    I'd check their both secure/ clean and the wiring is all intact before buying a replacement.

    Will most likely be the boost sensor as you didn't have any misfire codes (which u normally get with an injector)
  3. Hey JJones82,

    Thanks for the response,

    Yep no misfire codes. Iv checked the wiring and cleaned the rubber grommit to try insure a good seal.
    I have looked inside both sensors and can see one is clean looking but the other dont look so good, what would you recommend to spray in there to clean it?

    Would WD40 do the job?

  4. No worries Husky.

    Yeah WD40 will work if you haven't got any brake/ carb cleaner to hand.

    If the error does pop up again after cleaning, try swapping the MAP sensors around to see if the fault code moves from boost sensor A to B or vice versa if it does then it will most likely be a new MAP sensor IMO
  5. Thats a brillaint idea JJones,

    I think i will do that this weekend, thank god i dont use the car for work.
  6. Just thought i would give people an update on the issue i was having. after arriving back in the country i got Maggie into the garage for error code readings. There was 3 codes on there but he technician couldnt tell what ones could be causing the issue and how old they are. The codes were cleared and i was asked to drive the car until the error comes back. couple days later and back into limpp mode. took Maggie back into the garage for another reading and the results are in. The problem could be the throttle pedal sensor or the throttle blody itself, error shown is "DF198 Track 2 pedal sensor circuit".

    Going to replace the sensor first as this is the chepest, looks like the throttle body is off a 2004 model car (probably from a breakers).
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2014
  7. Hey Everyone,

    Just another little update so if anyone is having the same issues as me they know what i done to resolve my issue.

    I have now replaced the Throttle pedal sensor and have taken the car for a drive. So far now the car seems fine but i will be testing over the next couple of days.

    Hope this resolves it and i dont have to spend money on a throttle body.

  8. I have the same exact thing right now - what was it in the end?

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