Knocking antiroll bar link

Discussion in 'Suspension, Brakes, Wheels & Tyres section' started by 3 crispies, Jun 20, 2015.

  1. Trying to at last sort all knocking, replaced lower stabiliser links previously but am I right in thinking the one that links to strut could cause any knocking noises or should I look elsewhere.
    Removed and cleaned track rod ends, springs ok cant see movement on any other parts just trying to eliminate cheaper options first :wink::wink:
  2. How tight did you get the lower short links? Do they still have the spacer fitted?
  3. Tight as I could and pretty sure fitted spacers but it was a few months ago.
    Don't you think anti roll stabilisers are an issue.
  4. Tightened mine to the torgue setting and loosened ever so slightly on its own and caused a knocking easy way to check is of the shock can rotate plenty as should move only a little.
  5. Naith

    Naith RSM Admin

    I have a front clonk too. Only at low speed and often when turning. It's gotta be the ARB or the top mount...

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