Kent meet Wednesday 11th June

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Liquidf1, Jun 1, 2014.

  1. Liquidf1

    Liquidf1 Forum Trader

  2. Whey hey I am up for this shall get the underbody lights ready and stickers added for the night.
  3. Hi, I'm a newby from Ramsgate, is this happening? I'd be happy to pop along and say hello :smile:
  4. Liquidf1

    Liquidf1 Forum Trader

    Yeah still on afew members are going.
  5. Excellent, I won't get there until. Later on though. What time are you there till usually?
  6. I would love to pop in but I will be on my way from airport.
  7. How was meeting?
  8. I didn't make it, had to go to guys hospital last night to see my mum unfortunately. Will definitely be there next time though.

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