K-Tec clutch kit and flywheel

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by RMS225, Aug 27, 2014.

  1. What are your thoughts on both kits they offer? Anyone fitted one and what's the newer fly like?
  2. This is not Ktec product. Lightweight singlemass flywheel and clutch kit is made by Helix :smile:
  3. Ah. Really? Can I get the kit else where?
  4. RS-tuning sell one.
  5. Not just by helix. Someone else does :smile:
  6. TimR26

    TimR26 South Central RSM Area Rep

    RS Tuning SMF + R26r clutch is route I've chosen.
  7. The rst one is like £2 more than the K-tec one. K-tec offer a kit excludding bolts and cylinder.
    What price did you pay bud ^^^^
  8. Depends which flywheel you go for... RS Tuning do flywheel for both the 225/r26 and the r26r at the same price £360,
    Ktec sell the 225/r26 flywheel for 358, and the r26r at £394, so quite a difference on the r26r one.

    I went with the r26r flywheel from rs tuning and r26r clutch in luk on mine and it's so much better, it's a little sharper on the bits than with the dual mass, but you can really tell the difference on acceleration and just the response. Only other thing with the lighter flywheel it makes a little tinny noise on start up, and can bring your engine light on.
  9. I think RS-Tuning can map the fault light out now?
  10. Ah I see thanks bud. Does the light go out though? So get the RST one and buy a r26r clutch from renault?
  11. They can and do .
  12. iirc the fault still shows just the light wont come on
  13. That is correct. It shows on clip as a stored code as opposed to an active code. No lights though so all if fine for mots.
  14. What's the sort of torque this setup can handle? I'm finally looking to do a stage 2 hybrid build so I was looking down the helix route
  15. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator

    TTV make Flywheels for them as well, I run one my my 250
  16. I think you have the best setup. I have the RS tuning Helix clutch and flywheel, and it's an aunt to drive in stop start traffic.
  17. I had the Helix setup on my 225 Cup and it was one of the worst things I done to the car.
  18. How so pal? What other options are there for high torque figures around the 320 mark?
  19. The pedal was unbelievably heavy and just ruined the fun of driving the car enthusiastically.
  20. Feirny

    Feirny RSM Admin

    I drove it a few weeks ago and thought it was heavy. Got back in mine and thought it was broke!
  21. Its not heavy. You are just used to over servo'd systems.

    You get used to it very , very quickly.
  22. Completely agree And I prefer it now.
  23. Nothing's heavy after I've been driving the ph1 clio in traffic haha. Agree with andy. Used to too many aids. Doesn't feel like I'm pressing in when I jump from the clio to the meg
  24. It was heavy mate and I'm driving a ph1 172 now and that doesn't feel as heavy.

    If I ever have another 225 or an R26 and it needed a clutch I'll be staying clear of the helix kit.

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