Juddery Acceleration

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by Craig_B, Jan 25, 2015.

  1. Had this for a few weeks now, and thought it was the ignition coils so bought 4 new ones from Renault and fitted them, and problem seemed to go away. But recently it has come back :/

    Plugs are new also. (Genuine)

    Would it be anything to do with injectors? These were my next option.

    Only really happens in 3rd, 4th, 5th really if you put your foot down from lowish revs.

    Car is a 225 Trophy by the way. On 81k

    Mpg is ok, (I think) don't do a lot of milage 6 miles a day back and for to work. And this weekend it had a run down to Torquay from South Wales, and achieved 34.4.

    Any ideas? Or does injectors sound like a good shout to change?
  2. Any ideas guys? Car is run on super unleaded fuel I forgot to mention to.
  3. I'd say it is the fuel pump

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