Guys, on my ( and supposedly all others) MK3 theres a carpet plate in the boot what covers the spare wheel space whats mostly may be empty (I have none). So there´s noting underneath the carpet plate ( (more on right hand side) what supports the plate if it´s loaded with beverage crates oder something else whats heavy. It bends and finally breaks. So almost every carpet plate is broken or at least close to it. Before i make something time consuming by myself i would ask if anyone has a self-made solution. It´s annoying that Renault releases such a half-baken solution what shows issues very quick. We all like racing, but sometimes we have to carry a suitcase or a beer crate;-) I´m thinking about making an Aluminium U - shaped transversal brace through the boot whats bolted to the outer chassis steel carrier fold edges. Just flip the U downside, slot the outsides of the upper surface by 2 cm and push it between the folds of the frames. Then clamp the upper plate of the U with a chunk of alu whats inserted from the lower side between the legs of the bar with 2 m6 bolts. The bar can be supported by a threaded rod whats stays against the center of the plastic spare wheel pan and at the upper side I would weld an aluminium threaded bush to the bar what takes the threaded rod. So the carpet plate is supported very well and the wooden plate inside will never brake unless you will move an elephant.......