225 Interesting steering wheel

Discussion in 'Electrical & Interior - Security, ICE, Wiring Loom' started by ian b, Jun 12, 2014.

  1. Was looking for some pics of lowered Meganes when I found this one, liking the carbon fibre dash and leather cowling but its the steering wheel that interested me I know people have fitted Clio steering wheels but this one has something a little different :cool:
    IMG_0019[1].JPG IMG_0018[1].JPG IMG_0020[1].JPG
  2. 250 steering wheel?
  3. I wonder if that's a straight fit :rolleyes:
  4. It's not. I bought one to test fit. The keyed heads are pretty different. :worried:
  5. Ash87

    Ash87 RSM Moderator

    Carbon radio is different
  6. It's not a 250, there's no centre 12 o clock stitching
  7. Still doesn't fit straight on. Would be interesting to find out what he had to do to make it fit though.
    Wiring is also different.
  8. Daz


    Is it just me that thinks it's a f'ugly wheel anyway?
  9. Probably. It looks way more modern and is smaller and more grippy. :wink:
  10. Ok. So is taken from Scenic mk3?
  11. Megane III. They come in slightly different colours and on some the cruise control switch surrounds (if it has them) are unpainted.
    I looked for ages for an all silver one with switches and gave it away as I couldn't be bothered when I saw it was very different
  12. Wiring needs 3 resistors from what i remember after reading about it on a french forum.

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