R26 Injectors...

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by Powello9, Sep 5, 2015.

  1. Hi Guys,

    My injectors are goosed. Im booked into RS Tuning on the 23rd Sept for service, remap and new injectors and possibly decat.

    Long term im planning a bigger intercooler and if the turbo gives up i'll put a 250 one in. I've already done the airbox mod.

    Soo... Do i get OEM injectors or get the Deka 630's. What are the pro's and con's?


  2. 630's all the way ready for 250 turbo and up to 300bhp.

    pro's 300bhp+

    cons less mpg
  3. So say at this level of tune, just decat and airbox mod im looking for 260bph after remap. Are the 630's gonna hit fuel consumption hard? I drive 20k miles a year so it has to be a consideration...

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