Inferno 225 prep and paint job.

Discussion in 'Exterior & Bodywork' started by jontyfivealive, Jun 28, 2015.

  1. Bought it with quite a few issues... mechanical and body probs. Mechanically sorted. Now the bodywork. She will be a beauty once again :smile:
  2. Looking good mate keep the pictures coming
  3. Front bumper was a mess once we got into it :worried: about ready for primer now tho :smile:
  4. Most of it primed up now. Feels like were getting somewhere :smile:
  5. This is going to look stunning when your done. Can't wait to see it.
  6. Big job that! Who's doing it?
  7. I stripped it down. Parkers cars in kendal are doing all the prep and paint. If it looks like all the other work that comes out of there... i will be a happy man!
  8. Awesome keep the pics coming
  9. Front bumper getting smoothed over. I want a nice clean look. :smile:
  10. Also got an r26r rear spoiler going on now. Thanks to sunnylunn
  11. Trade for a carbon
  12. Sorry mate. Im happy with this one
  13. Welded the old spoiler holes up, then a skim of filler. Just gotta drill the new r26r spoiler holes then get primed :smile:
  14. Nearly there!
  15. Just front wings, bumpers, r spoiler and side mouldings to go. Should be all painted and ready for the pre rebuild flat and polish at the weekend :smile:
  16. Looks spot on that mate!
  17. Cant bloody wait!
  18. Now... just put all back together again :smile:
  19. Looking good mate :wink:
  20. Looks great. Love inferno

    You have got a r.spoiler have you?
  21. Yeah. Need to flat and polish car before that goes on tho.

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