Ikon intake pipes rs250

Discussion in 'Car Parts For Sale' started by Simon Eyre, Aug 10, 2021.

  1. Just to keep this thread updated. I have not yet been refunded and had a few excuses. Given him more than enough time now. I shall take steps to now recover the £30 I am owed.
  2. Just to keep this thread updated. I have not yet been refunded and had a few excuses. Given him more than enough time now. I shall take steps to now recover the £30 I am owed.
  3. Amazed it took this long really mate

    Absolute bellend.

    Not you lol
    Beau likes this.
  4. I have been ridiculously busy with work, so kind of left it in the background. I have no intention of forgetting about it though! Its £30 FFS, who rips someone off for £30?
  5. Either hoping people leave a relatively small sum. Or if caught its only a small sum etc.
  6. Nick

    Nick RSM Moderator

    He's had long enough time to sort this & even show his face on here, the ****'* banned
    Beau and danmc_82 like this.
  7. What a cock, he should be barred from the site.
  8. The nonce strikes again, I'm surprised he hasnt been called out on the Facebook groups yet :worried:

    Attached Files:

    Nick and D7DPJ like this.
  9. seen this earlier and commented on it to say its on the forum. i can understand paying £30 friends and family but $500 aus dollars :fearscream: some people are crazy
    Nick likes this.

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