I think I'm being a bit simple...

Discussion in 'Electrical & Interior - Security, ICE, Wiring Loom' started by The Mighty Clam, Dec 27, 2014.

  1. Hi all, hope everyone had a good Xmas. I have a bit of an issue with the passenger seat and think I'm being a bit of a div.

    When you lift the flappy handle on the seat shoulder (leather, not recaro), slide it forward to allow a passenger in the rear, when you then try to return the seat to its normal position it just slides free up and down the runner without locking. Is there some trick I'm missing?

    The only way I could get it to lock is if the rear passenger swings their feet out the way of the front seat and the front seat passenger sits in while it uncontrollably slides itself all the way back and locking. This surely cannot be right, as I was ferrying some older relatives around over Xmas and my 'silly new car with seats that don't work' became rather embarrassing! Please help :smile:
  2. I had this with my Clio 200, it's the little seat locator thing in the runner that causes it.
  3. It is quite right.

    [I think the Christmas expression is RTFM read the manual fully lol]

    It is very unique and very good in that it has a memory as to where it was before you tilted the backrest and moved it.
    SO if you adjust seat halfway forward using the adjuster under the seat and just in front as you would normally . Then tilt and slide it will return to halfway and lock again [and not ALL the way back]
    Hope that helps.
    Happy new year
    Cheers Andy
  4. Ah so you have to scoot it forward a bit before you do the flappy handle pull so that it doesn't squash rear passengers I'm assuming. Thanks, ill give that a go :smile:
  5. Yeah, my c2 was the same! I've smashed a few friends knees/shins/testes with the back of the recaros!

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