Hose popped off

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by chappers2000, May 25, 2019.

  1. Hi all,
    Had a SMF and clutch fitted yesterday but when I got home I noticed a hose had come off. Didn't seem to affect anything and not sure what if
  2. Having positing issues...
    The hose is about a foot long and one end has a offwhite translucent plastic 2cm round 6cm long cylinder on it and a zip tie clip that must mount in a hole. Not sure what it is? Gearbox breather? Found the open end sitting on the bell housing and when I moved it the whole hose was loose. Just need to fit it back on but not sure where to look and whether fitting needs to be from above or below? Having issues posting a pic.
  3. matt e

    matt e South East RSM Area Rep

    yeah sounds like the gearbox breather
  4. Thanks Matt. I'll take my catch tank/ECU holder out and have a look from the top.
  5. matt e

    matt e South East RSM Area Rep

  6. Thanks Matt. Managed to find the same picture and then the vertical breather outlet. Any idea where the plastic breather end should go? Flat as per pic, vertical? It has a clip on the end but not sure if it is broken or not and cannot see anything to clip it in to.

    Actually the clip on mine is at the breather end but it looks like it I should near the gearbox in the pic so will have another look.
  7. Th
    The plastic breather end goes up by the thermostat housing from memory
  8. Yes there’s clip specifically for it up near thermo
  9. Thanks all. Managed to find a few more pics and it looks like the clip on the hose has broke and I can see a plastic prong in a hole in the block. Zip tied it for now until I can get a new clip.

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