1. hello everyone. im also from the other forum. i have never used the tapatalk app so am slightly confused why this is all happening haha.

    i have a black 08 R26 previously owned by Paul_r26

    im one to ask some stupid questions so please bear with me haha!!
  2. Nick

    Nick RSM Moderator

    welcome :smile:

    Paul took good care of your meg

  3. it seems he did. but i have a feeling the bloke who had it in-between him owning it and me owning it didn't, he only had it for 4 months too. just had to replace a whole headlight as it seems someone chain drilled through the top bracket! now having issues with the level of the bulb.
    there are a few bits i want to sort. all takes so much time and money!
  4. Welcome along
  5. Stevie

    Stevie Events Coordinator

  6. Naith

    Naith RSM Admin

    hello jimboy welcome along.
  7. Welcome bud
  8. Daz


  9. Welcome!

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