Hi Everyone, Just want to firstly say what a super nice and friendly forum. Currently I have been looking at the 250 cup - I come from a background of Type Rs (EP3, FN2 and 2 x DC5s) but feel that a change is needed. Currently I am 'fast carless' as I sold my DC5 to buy (don't laugh) a motorhome to go travelling around Europe with my girlfriend. However life decided differently and we are staying put and I am now on the lookout for a 250 Cup once the motorhome sells. Anyways I managed to test drive a 265 today and I came away completely in awe - what an amazing car. My only experience of fast cars has been Type Rs so it was amazing to feel the difference. The style of driving in RS felt very confidence inspiring and effortless - brilliant car. Obviously the motorhome is far quicker then any of them :rolleyes: haha. Well Hello and hopefully I can join the gang soon once I sell the motorhome and seek out a nice 250 cup Dan