Hesitating when hot

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by ghosty0101, Jul 5, 2015.

  1. Was leaving silverstone today and got stuck in the awful traffic for about an hour. When I got on to the dual carriageway and accelerated the car cut out twice and then went and was fine after that! Is this just because it was hot or is something wrong? She's in for a service next week so if anything is wrong I can get it sorted then!
  2. MicKPM

    MicKPM RSM Trader RSM Trader

    When you say "cut out" twice, do you mean the engine stalled and failed to start again until it cooled down or that it just had no power/willingness to go/started to misfire?

    If it cut out, it could've been due to the heat which effected the crank sensor. It's not an issue the X84 normally suffers with but that doesn't mean it couldn't happen either.
  3. No it just misfired and then was fine the rest of the way home after she got some air!
  4. I put my foot down at about 2500 rpm and it started going and at about 2750 and 3000 rpm it just jolted like it had cut out and then carried on!
  5. Inbox is full mate !
  6. Emptied
  7. Ive got the same fault with an r26. What have you come up with pal?
  8. MBC


    Probably needed a bit of a proper run in rather than static stop start perhaps?
  9. Yeah I thought that, probably got a bit of crap in an injector or something as it started popping slightly when I stopped but I gave it a bit of welly and it cleared!
  10. MBC


    Haha! Foot to the floor solves everything!
  11. Always!

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