Help with Petrol cap on my Megane 250

Discussion in 'Electrical & Interior - Security, ICE, Wiring Loom' started by buddarock22, Jul 4, 2015.

  1. Hello all

    Arrived a the petrol station only to find out my petrol cap won't open?

    Tried to lock the car and lock it again but nothing

    Is there a way of manually opening it? I know it's all electronic. Maybe something has failed


  2. Is there something in the boot behind the arch lining near the filler cap ??
  3. To be honest I haven't check, was in a rush to get someone so had to drive back and take my partners car instead.

    I'm sure there's a manual release but obviously need to get it fixed

    Just don't know what's caused it to do that?
  4. Plug came off the motor?

    Pull the carpet out from the drivers side in the boot. Youll see on the actuator a plastic rod which moves to lock the cap, you may be able to pull it.
  5. Is it easy to access? Bit nervous about pulling out the carpet/panels etc
  6. It comes out fairly easily yeh :smile:

    start from the middle at the bottom and work backwards. It doesn't need to come off at the front
  7. Okay will give it ago thanks mrpink

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