265 Help wanted with intermittent lighting

Discussion in 'Electrical & Interior - Security, ICE, Wiring Loom' started by Mark-v, Oct 24, 2017.

  1. Hi all,

    Hoping someone else might have seen this or have some diagrams.

    Car is a 63 plate 265 Cup

    I've got an issue when the lights are on the rear offside sidelight doesn't work (brake light does) number plate lights don't work, interior doesn't dim and the hazard&locking buttons don't light up along with the panel with the stop/start button.

    This is intermittent although seems to be getting worse... I've checked fuses and removed the lights 1 at a time in case they were causing the problem but apparently not.


  2. Update, no longer intermittent it's permanently off. does anyone have access to a wiring diagram for where the rear light connects so I can see if it's the wire or the circuit it's plugged into?
  3. Seen very similar on a 2011 Meg RS, owner never could solve it and had to get an ex Renault auto electrician on it, (in mid Wales), he did fix it, looks like that's your only option really.
  4. Is it someone on here? Would be handy to ask what it was in case it's the same problem
  5. No, he said he's not on the forum surprisingly, I only spot him occasionally, I think he works for Tesco, I'll keep my eyes open and ask if I can.

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