HELP..........Stuck brake pad pins

Discussion in 'Suspension, Brakes, Wheels & Tyres section' started by mike_snowdon, Oct 1, 2015.

  1. Anyone got any ideas on how to get the brake pins out (Brembo 225)they are proper seized.
    Tried big hammer and a punch, wd40 lots and grips......result nothing......

    Any ideas
  2. You need a hollow punch,and a large hammer,and they should eventually come out. Replace them with Mr Pink Pins,and you will have no more problems. He is a member on here.
  3. ^^^ what he says, hollow punch and big hammer, need to be cut sometimes. put Mr Pink pins back in, won't ever get the problem again
  4. Put some heat on them.
  5. If you don't buy Mr Pink pins I have some standard ones in good condition.
  6. Go get some plus gas and spray on it and leave for 5 mins and if you havnt got any hole punches go to screw fix and buy a set for £6
    worked a treat on mine no struggling at all
  7. Hammers won at the end of the day.


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