250 Help, Noise from front wheel megane 3 rs250 cup

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by Damion, Jul 16, 2021.

  1. Hello,

    I have My Megane 3 rs250 cup for 4 years now, it drives very good. I am very happy with the car But now I have a problem. I refresht the front suspension balljoints, happy with them. But now I have a new problem noise from the front suspension (video). It apears when I park my car, turn the wheel full and drive slowly. There is no sound When I drive normal speeds. it does not change when i put the gearbox in first gear or neutral.

    i made a video from it, 0.18/0.28 second you can hear the noise the best.

    Can you Guys Please help me find the problem?

  2. I have a ‘ticking’ sound when turning the wheel, which is similar to your sound, but more frequent. It might or might not be the same thing: I located the noise to the front lower hub ball joint area, by asking someone else to turn the front wheel whilst I was kneeling beside it, listening to it (careful they don’t run over your hand or something!) It was the lower arm ball joint - the one mounted in the alloy hub carrier. Because there was no obvious hub movement, I only confirmed it when I disassmbled the hub and carrier, and could then clearly feel the vertical movement in that ball joint, and hear it creaking. I just bought a replacement on eBay and someone on here makes excellent uprated ones too. It will need a tool to press out from the hub carrier I think. My cars only done 30k miles…
  3. Thank you so much for reply, But I Did change the lower balljoint 1500km ago.

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