help needed

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by DANNYF1985, Jan 29, 2014.

  1. hi have had engine light flash on twice but doesnt stay on have put my work diagnostic machine on it and it comes up with random missfire cyl no.3 what the common faults
  2. Spark plugs ? Injectors ?
  3. Yep mine does this but it's injectors for me as I've changed the spark plugs, my toxic fume light comes on when in slow traffic for long periods but go's out when a gentle bit of throttle is applied.
  4. Daz



    Buy a new set don't just replace one. If you want to confirm first though swap a couple around and follow the fault.
  5. What about this Teraclean stuff does that nt fix them insdead of sending them away to get done or buyn new
  6. Wasn't somebody doing £90 on exchange for cleaned injectors? That's going to be a lot cheaper than new ones.
  7. Liquidf1 on ms does injector refurbs on exchange I'm not sure of the price though
  8. Whats the best plugs to use
  9. Will.

    Will. RSM Moderator RSM Moderator

    Last edited: Jan 30, 2014
  10. you rang???
  11. ads how much would set of plugs and injectors be for my 225 trophy.
  12. injectors £156
    plugs £24.14
    delivery £4.80

    that any help!?
  13. I was having the same problem, got a set of refurbed injectors from liquidf1 on here, fixed the problem straight away and the car runs alot smoother now aswell. Have new spark plugs aswell but aint fitted them yet
  14. Ads what colour injectors is that ?
    mine are the old brown caps and needing replaced

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