Help diagnosing gearbox issue

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by Yellow_chris, Dec 6, 2014.

  1. I haven't had a chance to have a closer look as this just happened last night.
    I'm assuming it is a 2nd synchro issue but wanted to make sure.

    I can select every gear in the car when stationary or moving..apart from 2nd gear.
    You don't hear that click into gear so when I let the clutch out its just grinds. I can't hear any strange noises on idle and there was no bangs or big crunches prior to this moment.

    Any help would be great.
  2. U cant select 2nd at all? Even when driving along?
  3. Yeah feels the same trying to put it in gear when driving and when stopped?
  4. Either the control cables needs adjusting or more likely the box in fubar if afraid. Sychro rings only slow down the gear, when stationary selection should be normal and when driving it will crunch. No selection at all means the selector in the box is busted :worried:
  5. If it's just the selector I don't mind..better that than the box. Any way for me to test anything to narrow it down?

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