HELP ! cabasse auditorium tronic

Discussion in 'Megane Discussion' started by mapper, Jun 5, 2015.

  1. hi

    i recently brought a Renault megane 225 trophy, in the car it came with a cabasse auditorium tronic 6 cd changer which i thought was a standard unit for the car. but i found out today that it wasn't and that i was told by halfords employee that i can't fit a new stereo to the car because of the way that it is wired with this stereo.

    is there any adapter that i can buy to fit the standard renault stereo back in the car. !!!!!!!!

  2. MBC


    Is that all the cables in the back?
  3. yeah but there is the another box in the boot
  4. MBC


    That company do a copy of the standard unit. If it looks like this I wouldn't bother changing it. bdf8e42ed470846a268ac1b8fa95d2e5.jpg
  5. looks like this from the front pal [​IMG]
  6. [​IMG]
  7. MBC


    I see. Might be worth seeing if you can get their copy version and hope it will plug and play.
  8. i was hoping to get an adapter so that i could fit the stereo you have above back into the car ?????
  9. MBC


    I'm sure someone could do it. I'm no wiring expert but it's got to be achievable.
  10. What cables are on the box in the boot mate? Can you take a picture?
  11. FFH0BB0FBGW8FAE.MEDIUM.jpg i just want to take it all out and just fit a sony/jvc stereo with an aux input :worried:
  12. MBC


    I'm sure you cab do it with that box!
  13. That looks like the standard connections that you get on the back of the normal head unit.
    I think the double plug that's red will go to the head unit at the front the rest I think will be for power and the speaker.
    Do the cable colours on the heat unit match the double plug?
  14. I could do this but it looks quite complicated, also not sure if you can get an aux lead long enough to get to the dash from the boot. ??
  15. We're are you located mate? I think I could sort it out for you but would need to have a look.
  16. Do u think it would be possible to take it all out an fix a universal Sony in ?
  17. Yeah I think so, this must have been retro fitted at some point so if you can fit it you can take it out, think it would be a matter of taking the seats and carpet out to trace the cables so quite a bit of work.

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