Help/advice needed please – 250 Cup gearbox problems.

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by Space Cadet, Apr 24, 2017.

  1. I have a 2011 250 Cup which I bought in December, it has only done 30,000 miles and appears to be in really good condition mechanically.

    One of the first modifications I made was to fit the M-Tech quick-shift kit as the original shift feel wasn’t great, nothing made me think that there was anything wrong mechanically just that it didn’t have the most precise shift.

    Anyway I fitted the kit and the shift feel was 100% times better.

    Since fitting though Ive felt a reluctance to change from 4th to 5th if I’m accelerating reasonably hard, all other gears up and down are perfect and 4th to 5th is normally fine if changing gently. Strangely the reluctance is only felt once the engine is warm after a few miles.

    The reluctance feels like it hits a solid stop in-between 4th and 5th, if I ease back into neutral and try again it usually goes in.

    The car has been given a full service and gear-box oil change and the problem has’nt gone away.

    Because I fitted the quick-shift kit within a few days of buying the car I can’t say for certain that the problem wasn’t there before, so obviously I’ve taken the kit off and it’s back to standard now but if anything the problem is worse!!

    It feels like it’s going into 5th but when I take my foot off the clutch it isn’t in gear and the engine just revs.

    Ive contacted the previous owner who has advised that he hadn’t any problems with the gearbox. I’ve no reason to doubt him.

    I can’t believe a 30,000 mile gearbox would’ve developed internal issues, is there anything external such as cables or widgets that may be causing the problem??

    Obviously worst case and I have a new gearbox fitted I don’t want to then find I have the same problem and it turns out to be a cable etc.

    Thanks in advance for any help!!
  2. Not sure what the Meg boxes are like, but i know coming from my Clio, people say not to buy the quick shift as they can damage the box
  3. Thanks, although not really what I wanted to hear, I guess it would explain things though, but how could the quick-shift damage the box?? It’s a ‘reputable’ M-Tech kit bought from KTR therefore you’d assume it would be tried & tested.
  4. Quick shifting rushes the synchros and wears them down.

    Not being able to actually select the gear seems strange though, if it was worn synchros it'd crunch but it would still go in.

    Sounds more like a selector issue.
  5. Thanks. Most other things I’m alright, but I’m not really that knowledgeable about gearboxes.

    It definitely doesn’t crunch, with the quick-shift kit it just felt like it was hitting a stop between 4th and 5th. Without the kit sometimes it feels like it’s gone into 5th but there is no actual gear when I’ve released the clutch. The next time I try it may be fine.

    Presumably the ‘selector’ is internal?!

    Realistically am I looking at a new gearbox? – I can’t do the work myself therefore the car will be taken to either Renault or a specialist, by the time the old gearbox has been removed and possibly sent somewhere it may just make more sense to have a new warrantied box fitted. £££££!!!!!
  6. where are you based, can you get thew caR to a gearbox specialist locally to look/try it to diagnose said issue
  7. Ingatestone, Essex, just up from Brentwood.

    I’ve booked the car at a nearby Renault garage on the 17th, so hopefully they’ll be able to diagnose the fault. Hopefully it will be something simple and they can fix it then and there, otherwise if its major then I have the option to take it elsewhere as the car is drivable in all the other gears (and sometimes even 5th!!) so can take it anywhere.
  8. The short shift wouldn't effect the gearbox mate. It has nothing to do with the internals of the box itself. It literally shortens the throw by moving the link on top of the box
  9. Thanks, I’m receiving conflicting advice here but I can follow both logics. Your’s makes perfect sense in that nothing is different in the gearbox, it’s just that the gearstick only has to move ¾ as far to change gears. The other logic is that by doing this it puts pressure on the box internals – there must be a reason Renault designed it with a long throw!??

    Regardless, the car is booked in at a gearbox specialist next week so let’s wait and see what they say; hopefully it will just be a replaceable widget inside rather than anything major. Removal/inspection/repair and refitting is not going to be cheap though I suspect.

    While the box is out surely it makes sense to fit a new clutch, even though the car has only done 30,000 it would presumably be silly not to. Any other things worth doing at the same time?

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