Hello From Italy!

Discussion in 'New to the Club? Why not introduce yourself?' started by Zappo_RS, Aug 2, 2016.

  1. Hi guys! My name is Alessandro and i come from Italy. Ex owner of a Clio 172 PH2 but now in my box there is a beautiful 225 F1 Team! :laughing: I registered here for share some technical info... very nice forum :wink:! Sorry for my not perfect english! Byeeee

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    Nigelo likes this.
  2. Welcome Alessandro, and your English is far better than my Italian
    Zappo_RS likes this.
  3. Naith

    Naith RSM Admin

    Thanks for joining! We have a few members from Italy, Forza Italia!
    Zappo_RS likes this.
  4. Hello!!
  5. Thanks everybody :grin:
  6. Hiya [emoji1309]

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Zappo_RS likes this.

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