Headlight MOT fail

Discussion in 'Electrical & Interior - Security, ICE, Wiring Loom' started by GSI-MAN, Oct 4, 2016.

  1. Hi guys
    Well the meggy will not pass the MOT as the drivers headlight bulb is not shining where it should.It shines towards the right hand side which would obviously blind other drivers.
    Changed the bulb but made no difference.
    Is there anything I can do to adjust this at all or do I have to shell out for another headlight!
    Cheers all.
  2. Are you sure the bulb is located correctly? I know it's possible to have it in there upside down.

    This wouldn't make it shine to the right as you say, but worth double checking it's located correctly before buying another light.
  3. When they failed it first time I just replaced the bulb for a new one.
    I will have a look out for those lateral adjusters.
  4. I have been told to put on a LHD beam deflector.
    Hopefully it will work.
  5. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator

    Why don't you just get them aligned?
  6. It is a 2002 car and I believe there is no way to do this unless you know.
  7. Car passed the MOT.
    I have only owned the car for a year.
    Looks like someone before me replaced the headlight from a LHD car.
    So I will have to buy a new or a good second hand one for the future.
  8. I have a friend who bought an 18 month old A3. When he took it for the 1st MOT - same thing.

    Must happen a lot.

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