R26 Head unit or speakers

Discussion in 'Electrical & Interior - Security, ICE, Wiring Loom' started by SixTwoSix, Jun 3, 2018.

  1. So it's common knowledge the stereo in the Meganesport is terrible. Managed to put up with it the first few weeks of ownership but now it's really starting to annoy me. Especially as my old Mazda MPS had a full bose system as standard.

    Money is a bit tight so it's either a head unit or speaker upgrade first to see if there is much difference.

    What would you do first, gut tells me go with the head unit and then the speakers because even if the speakers improve the sound greatly, i'm going to get a new head unit eventually.
  2. limited in choice for the speakers,as not much fits.
    As well as a extremely poor mounting point in front doors.
    whatever you do,its never gonna be great.
  3. I think I can deal with "not great"...just something better than standard. I'll start with the head unit and move from there.

    It terms of speakers, from what i've seen here and other forums, it seems the go-to are the specific pioneer speakers for this model?
  4. that always used to be the case..Not sure if anything else is available now.
    As i said,the mounting for the speaker is flimsy,so sounds average at best.
    I have looked at making something bespoke before,but the speaker grill is at such a angle,its very tricky.
  5. i have upgraded the stereo and then speakers. they were not great but the most downside i suspect is where the speakers are mounted. it is mounted on the door card not the door frame, so it vibrates and offset the movement of the speaker. the stereo and speakers sound much better in my 205 than the megane, sad.
  6. Sold bud. Sorry.

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