Haynes manual

Discussion in 'Megane Discussion' started by MBC, May 29, 2015.

  1. MBC


    Hello everyone hope you're all enjoying your weekend! I'm working but oh well. Anyways does anyone know where I can get a manual for an R26 (Haynes don't do them) I'd be interested to get hold of one.
  2. There isnt a manual like the haynes manual for it i'm afraid.
    Best bet is some workshop manuals
    Heres a few http://hosted.hornstein.co.uk/Megane/

    It occassionally comes up with a security alert when i've been there but if you read the google warning that comes up it says no malware found etc and i've not found anything with my antivirus after downloading the pdf's
  3. i have the wiring diagram if that helps

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