Has anyone used these at all?

Discussion in 'Electrical & Interior - Security, ICE, Wiring Loom' started by snifferdog, Feb 15, 2015.

  1. My drivers side window isnt working, Im presuming its the module as there is no response when I press the button, just silence.

    I googled the problem and came across this site.

    Just wondering if anyone has used one of these boxes before and if its any good?


  2. Ordered the part, very cheap at £15.

    Fitted it and its working.

    So, if anyone needs one in the future then I recommend them.
  3. Also, you get £10 back if you return your faulty old module.
  4. Daz


    One touch still work?
  5. The "minicube" is a pikey way to solve the problem, it also removes the anti pinch feature.
  6. Yeah unfortunately the one touch feature doesnt work anymore.

    It may be a bit pikey but but for £5 and half an hour Im more than happy.
  7. Whats anti pinch?
  8. It stops the window getting stuck / broke if something gets stuck in it whilst it's closing
  9. like your head or ya missus's hand lol
  10. In used a similar thing on my 1.9dci & when you turned the car off you could still operate that window

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