R26 Handbrake HELP

Discussion in 'Electrical & Interior - Security, ICE, Wiring Loom' started by Pagey3103, Dec 6, 2013.

  1. My hand brake seems to have just packed up. The button on the side of it has been pressed into the handle and won't come out. Now my handbrake won't lock out.

    how do I fix this?

    any help appreciated soon, I live in a hilly area :worried:
  2. Is there no way for u to get the button out?
  3. I heard something snap when I pressed it and it got stuck. The buttons at an angle and I've tried to pull it out but no luck. Not used pliers or anything just fingers.
  4. Daz


    New handbrake time I'm afraid - Cha Ching!
  5. I'd try leavn it in gear with the wheel facing the kerb and take it apart in the morn to see if u can fix it mate
  6. Just had a go using a tool. The button is knackered and won't come back out. The wire does still work if u fiddle it a bit but it's not ideal.
  7. Do you mean whole new mechanism or just lever. What do these cost !
  8. Daz


    Whole mechanism - you could use second hand but it's not recommended and sellers know what they're worth!

    The issue is matching one to the car - different spec, different stitching - if you just want to get back up to speed you could chuck any old salvage one on.
  9. I'll get the r26 one but are we talking £100-200 for a new one or more
  10. Daz


    At least £250.

    It fluctuates - I'm shitting it if mine goes as it's a black handled blue stitched Trophy one - I.e expensive or more likely no longer available!
  11. FML.... maybe ads is doing a Xmas special

    is there no way to reuse the handle with the blue stitching and transfer it over to a new mechanism
  12. No. You'd have to cut the stitching to get the handle off. 8 ended up having to fit one with blue stitching to my black R26 as it was all that I could find at an ok price

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