Getting rid of Facebook

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Andy_C, Sep 2, 2013.

  1. I've just deleted Facebook. Apart from getting over not having something to read while on the John I'm loving the freedom. I wish I did it sooner.
  2. well, what I have heard, you can`t delete it. it just deactivates ur account and anytime later u can join again and all ur pics,posts,.... will be waiting for u :-/
  3. Yeah that's right. But it's nice to have a break from all the BS that comes with Facebook.
  4. what i did is put them all in the "restricted" list. they are anyways not checking what is going with their 10 000+ best friends and I have peace
  5. I am under an alias solo much better just close mates no family :-)
  6. Naith

    Naith RSM Admin

    You'll be back on next week...
  7. I left it 12 months ago.

    Don't miss being invited to collect jewels or answer this quiz and that quiz, feed animals or any of it.

    I did like the odd poke tho :wink:

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