Getting amp cable from battery to inside of car

Discussion in 'Electrical & Interior - Security, ICE, Wiring Loom' started by Meerkat, Feb 16, 2019.

  1. Best route from battery to inside of car
  2. 2018-08-27%2010.15.22.jpg

    Remove the glovebox entirely.
    Remove the airbox in the engine bay

    Make a hole in the side of this rubber gromet (or as I did cover the cable in washing up liquid and manage to push it through alongside the existing loom) and feed it through using a coat hanger or something
    Took me half a day, most of my knuckles, and a ton of swearing :worried:
    Lexy and Meerkat like this.
  3. Already have this ton of swearing so I'll try the same this week...
  4. Just make a slit vertically above the hole for the main harness, feed the cable through that into the engine bay, if you don't want the hassle of squeezing it through with the main harness. Good job RSphil for managing that - wasn't going to happen on mine.
    Lexy likes this.
  5. Really weirdly because the rubber is sort of double skinned - I tried for nearly two hours to cut a new hole in it.
    I made one and I could get a coat hanger through it - but the cable would just not go

    Eventually I put a coat hanger through the main loom hole - taped the cable to the end of it - covered it in washing up liquid for lubrication and managed to pull it through lol

    Shitty job though - I've done dozens over the last 20 years and never done one that awkward, my back was killing me from being laid upside down for the whole afternoon
    Lexy likes this.
  6. Oh yeah, last week I tackled it fast, coat hanger tip was awesome, Took a stainless TIG rod and went straight though, bit of tape and voila. Thanks for the tips! Hope to contribute soon!
    RSPhil likes this.

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