Gear Box Mount broken

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by Haomaru, Jan 12, 2016.

  1. Hi on sunday after a traffic light, on first gear my gear mount broke, this make a tremendus noise breaking also the driveshaft. I feel loosing tranction on this wheel and inmediatly kill the switch thinking was the engine. Do u think might be any more damage?, right now meg is with my mechanic and duno exactly how the mount broke, Any advice?
  2. ebdfb4a4896f55544cd87b8e6ed2f092.jpg
  3. Is this the mk3 Megane? I think there was a few cases of the gearbox mount breaking on those.
  4. Mk2
  5. Seems the mount screws get lost , apparently were not tight. The driveshaft disarmed when all happend and some bearings are lost, do you think cant be rebuild? , nothing is broken. Need advice if there is compatible bearings.

  6. Well i change the driveshaft, mount is okay, it only screw out, apparently they were not tight enough.

    Now Im worry that it got a weeee!! sound every cycle , I dont know if when the engine fall off it hurt a pulley or something, it listening as a pulley or pump water. also the carter rub when falling, there is not an aparently damage but that wee sound is knew.

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