full interior led replacement

Discussion in 'Electrical & Interior - Security, ICE, Wiring Loom' started by broadoakjay, Nov 13, 2013.

  1. looking to swap all the dash/door lights to a blue .

    where can i find a full kit or is it just a case of changing all bulbs
  2. Just change them
  3. Nooo just do the door well one blue and white the rest :smile:
  4. Mate, all this cash, should have bought an r26 lol
  5. no lol i wish, got a garage with top whizz auto electrician, just woundered wats easier changing bulbs or a replacement kit, my mate seems to think window switches would be blue ones etc stuff like that has anybody changed theirs my m8 did it on his vxr nurburgring looked sweet
  6. Just keep any eye on your spends mate, it all adds up!
  7. just spoke with my mate - hes worried some bulbs beeing smd
    and need soldering - he aint 100% by the sounds of things that its just as easy to change bulbs so he asked me to ask you guys if some one could confirm its just as simple as changing before we get too deep into it please hep if someone done this before
  8. On the mk2, some bulbs work, some don't. It is a funny wiring system, but I never really paid attention to which ones worked and which didn't!
  9. ive discovered its a rmd transfer or summet the rmd might be wrong....
    ill ring the answer before the weekends up thats my mission lol
  10. Naith

    Naith RSM Admin

    Just buy a few LEDs off ebay. 501s...

    Cost you about a fiver!

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