Fuel leak

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by DANNYF1985, Feb 26, 2014.

  1. drove my car to work this morning and was idling bad got to work to find out had a real bad fuel smell coming from the front lifted bonnet to fined fuel hose by the air can pipe has split is this a common fault and also would that be the cause of my random miss fire
  2. Good luck changing that pipe mate!!
    I recently had a fuel leak on that pipe...the parts £95 and its engine out to change it!!!!!
  3. my rubber pipe is held on with hose clips
  4. I think the simple fix is to cut out the damaged part and join in a new bit of pipe??
  5. IMG_5264resize_zps4ced5f76.jpg

    I assume you mean the pipe that joins from the fuel rail to the rigid metal pipe near the O/S engine mount.
    If so, just do as I did and buy a repair kit for a few quid and use a few jubilee clips. Jobs a good'un!
  6. You can't seriously need the engine out to change that?
  7. To change the full pipe i guarantee its the engine out and possibly disconnect the abs pump!!!!!
  8. Are you saying you've had this work done? Engine out to repair the pipe? Seriously?

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