225 Fuel leak??

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by benm25, Mar 20, 2016.

  1. Hi everyone,

    I was out earlier this morning and noticed a smell of petrol in my car. Im just after coming home from another short trip to the shops (the smell was still there but wasn't as bad) when pulling into my driveway i found a stain on the ground it was petrol. I stuck my head under the car and there doesn't seam to be any obvious evidence of the leak and the same under the bonnet. The smell is lingering outside of the car too and from the stain it looks to be around the back of the engine but with the plastic under tray that doesn't narrow it down much as most fluid would run that way.

    I am about to jack it up and start my search so just wanted to put it up here and see if anyone else had any issues with this. BTW the car seams to be running well nothing out of the ordinary and it passed the nct (mot) yesterday so it must not have been leaking then.
  2. No one prayed :worried:

  3. If they are the lines into the engine bay then they are a nightmare to get out & re-fit.
  4. They are going to the engine, the ones to the tank don't seam too bad at all in comparison!!!! are they expensive from Renault??
  5. They're a bastard, mine went last year.
  6. The part is around £80-100. Finding someone to fit it will be the hard part!
  7. Yep so today was interesting, i decided to visit my local Renault parts and service garage where i am at this stage having only had the car 5 months friendly with all of there parts department staff. I first got a price for the full fuel pipe assembly and a few other small bits i wanted, The fuel pipe that is currently leaking came in at €90 + VAT and seeing as the others are rusted to bits as well i decide to get the lot go big or go home and all that. So in total €320 roughly £250.

    While i was there i asked for a price for them to do it. I try and do as much to the car as i can but don't want to do this. The parts guy said he would send out a lad to have a look and see. He came out had a look and told me he wanted to stick it on lift to see it, after 15 minutes came back and said that he was looking at at least 8 hours charging €90 + VAT per hour followed by and thats not guaranteed. He continues to tell me as you all mention the ABS has to come out and the manual says the gearbox has to be dropped for that but he has done one without removing it. Anyway the long and short of it he said he wasn't sure on the hours quoted, so he could end up calling me half way through and tell me theres another 8 hours onto what i previously thought.

    Now i am looking at doing it all myself. :smile: I ordered the parts and they will be hear tomorrow.

    Just to mention the Renault Mechanic was really helpful and the parts guys in there are excellent too

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