Fuel consumption

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by 123HJMS, Jan 25, 2015.

  1. Filled the tank up this morning, have driven the car about 10-15 miles or so on a roads and my range has dropped by about 70 miles. Any ideas what could cause such poor mpg? Didn't drive the car any harder than I usually do and its a fairly regular route I take and I only noticed when I looked at the needle when pulling onto the drive and it was just over 3/4.
  2. Heavy right foot, cold weather.
  3. The trip computer calculates range based on the consumption of the last gallon or so, so if you were running low and nursing it then it would cause a unrealistically high range, then booting it for 10-15 miles would cause it to drop?? Just noticed you've own for a while, prob best ignore my comment :tongueout:
  4. Its just unusual for it to go from a full tank to just over 3/4 on a shortish journey which didn't involve any stop/start. I'll see how it gets on this week first before I try to diagnose anything.
  5. Will.

    Will. RSM Moderator RSM Moderator

    I tend to ignore the MPG figure on the dash. I just go on how many miles I do on a tank.

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