Forge Dump valve guide

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by imprezaworks, Sep 30, 2015.

  1. I know when looking at it its going to make sense but planning ahead.

    Can someone link a guide atall, aparantly theres one on here but i must be blind lol.

    Thanks guys.
  2. Thanks mate. If you can find me a fool proof guide to fit the blanking plate you will be my hero
  3. For the blanking plate you need to remove the standard intake pipe off the turbo - Held by a hose clip down the back of the engine. Prepare to lose some skin off your knuckles.

    Once thats off you can remove the 3 bolts on the Re-circ valve pretty easy, its still a bit fiddly and be careful not to drop them as it'll be a miracle if you get them back again.

    There is a guide on the other megane forum that covers the dump valve but not the blanking plate which seems a bit pointless to me.
  4. Cheers. Loss of skin/use of swear words. Noted.
  5. .
  6. I did mine after I fitted my ITG kit and access was a lot better tbh as the air box wasn't there anymore and the battery tray had moved forward. I also bought a load of spare nuts and washers before I started so I had spares, needed 2 extra and washers to suit in the end.

    Also heard of a trick with some fine string/thread where you tie a knot and loop it around a loosened nut before removing it. Keep hold of the thread and when it drops you can hopefully pull it back up. Also heard about elves that come and do these jobs at night for a can of special brew and a tab if you leave your bonnet open and a couple of spanners lying around but never seen them about my way.
  7. And I like elves too lol.

    i will be doing the induction kit at the same time so hoping there will be way more access, which you have just said.
  8. Will now be doing this on Saturday if the boss is out playing golf.

    i am doing the itg diy induction kit at the same time so will be a lot easier with stuff out the way.
  9. I have a forge recirculation valve with the stronger spring for stage 2 and a open induction kit and people mistake it for a dump valve sound buts its kinda different
  10. Just wondering what is the preferred choice between the recirc valve and a dump valve?
    I mean what are the benefits of the two?

    I currently have a dump valve but was thinking about swapping to a recirculation valve
  11. I would have thought that a recirculation valve is a safer option for the integrity of the turbo. Turbos are in affect a small compressor, and therefore have the same potential for surge and rotating stall just like any other compressor. When a compressor experiences surge the flow reserval causes a sudden change in thrust direction and increased vibration. Just like big oil and gas compressors the recirculation valve works like a recycle valve directing unwanted flow back to the inlet side to prevent surge. For some a dump valve to open might sound cool but every time under high boost it opens the compressor wheel speed increases rapidly often up to sonic impeller tip speeds. This will over time stress the impeller and eventually failure. A good sized recirculation valve with the right spring is a safer solution.
  12. I will be fitting it with the standard green spring for now. Hope everything goes to plan lol. Have a guy I work with who has way more patience
  13. Done. What an absolute arse of a job. Had to get someone with more patience to remove and fit the bottom bolt. Took less time than I thought though. I have fitted a replacement recirc not a vta valve btw.

    will road test later on
  14. Wait till you fit the induction kit too plenty sounds then
  15. Mmm not really tbh. It's way quieter than I thought
  16. It's my fault, was having a blonde moment.

    its the forge recirc valve I've fitted not the vta type.
  17. What sound does a recirc valve make? I am looking to get one soon and can't say I'm a fan of the dump valve sound.
    I heard a 265 with a recirc and it made a noise that I'd like, but unsure what they sound like on the 225?
  18. Sound pretty good at low revs. I've ordered a Jetex filter to see if that improves the noise. If I feel it affect performance I will remove it
  19. Does it make a sort of chatter/chirp?
  20. Chatter at low revs. on the move going quick ish you can't hear it really. The new filter should be with me Tomo so will see how that sounds

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