225 Forge BOV - Is this right??

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by MDP91, Dec 31, 2014.

  1. Hello,

    Fitted my new Forge dump valve today. Already had a blanking plate in place so was quite straight forward.
    When driving, on low revs on boost I hear the turbo flutter, and can only here the psssttt at higher up the rev range when giving it some? Is that normal?
    Here are some pics of it fitted, I don't believe I've missed anything?



  2. That looks fine mark, mine only properly dumps if I change at 3krpm or higher and near full throttle. When cold first thing in the morning it just flutters. Although saying that mine always seems to dump slightly when changing from 4th to 5th even at low revs
  3. Thank you, maybe its just me being paranoid (its a Renault) and thought it would dump abit more than it is I guess.
  4. Just to add, I wouldn't of expected to get any flutter with a bov fitted? Just the pssst noise everytime I lift off the throttle??
  5. You may get some flutter on light throttle loads as the pressure isn't there to open the valve.
  6. Thanks for the replies guys.

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