Foliatec alloy spray

Discussion in 'Suspension, Brakes, Wheels & Tyres section' started by Danp, Mar 13, 2014.

  1. I used the above on my alloys today. Very impressed with it. Only £50 and I only used 1 can. I will probably redo a couple of them because it ran but I learnt from my mistakes and 2 of them are spot on.

  2. Looks very similar to plasti dip but more expensive, plastidip is around 10-15 a can depending on how many you get
  3. I looked into plastidip and the reason I went with Foliatec was because the can give you glossy black in 1 can rather than having to apply glossifier after. And apparently the glossifier is a bitch to use. Also this is a cheaper solution as you need 4 cans of plastidip and 1 or 2 cans of glossifier. I'm going to do the badges and handles tomorrow hopefully will finish it off.
  4. Ah fair enough, thought it was matt too, only had a quick look at it tbh, let us know how hard wearing it is as that's what always puts me off about these types of thing

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