Fire Wall falling on pieces

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by Haomaru, Sep 25, 2013.

  1. Is there a way on fixing the firewall, it strat to open and it´s worst know :worried:
  2. ANy one? change the hole piece? glue it?
  3. I would probably try and stick it back to the bulkhead. :smile:
  4. Already try.
  5. Mine was exactly the same and letting fumes in to the car when stationery. I just used some duct tape on mine.
  6. Duct tape, ok.
    Does anybody know how much for a new one?
  7. No idea on new prices i'm afraid bud best bet is to try ads as hes normally the cheapest for parts!

    But i'd probably try thermal foil tabe instead of duct tape just due to the heat it'l be subjected too
  8. I'm sure I've read before that it is possible to use some very small cable ties to pull it back and attach it to the scuttle panel?
  9. Plastic ties? or some kind of metal ties, anyone?
  10. I've used plastic zip ties on mine.

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