225 fastchip pro download help needed ??

Discussion in 'Electrical & Interior - Security, ICE, Wiring Loom' started by pervertedmonk, May 2, 2014.

  1. I've bought a fastchip pro off a forum user which arrived today..

    but I cant seem to upload it onto my computers. I've tried it on windows 7 and windows 8.1.

    I've followed the link on henks web page for windows 8 advanced start etc. and still no joy.

    on the windows 7 it brings up this message.

    im not big on computers so is there something im doing wrong ??

    any help would be grateful..

  2. Take it you've already installed the Rstuner software suite thing before plugging in the RStuner via USB?
    Edit - Just seen on fast chip your meant to plug in the USB first.
    I'd try running the RSTuner software thing and see if theres an option to install the driver during the installation?
  3. You need a license from fastchip to pair the equipment with your OBD
  4. That's where im stuck. Im not having any luck downloading the fastchip first onto my laptop. all I can find is the above note on my laptop.
    do I need a external driver or something.??
  5. Hopefully you got it sorted it fella, you won't be dissapointed with the map! You just getting stage 1 or going custom?
  6. Yep. I downloaded the latest update from henks site and this uploaded fine. what I was doing was plugging the tuner in to the laptop straight away without downloading anything first from his site. hence no driver found I suppose.

    cheers for your help..
  7. stage 1 only fella. I really wanted to keep the car standard and not mess about with this one......but you know how it goes lol.
  8. Have you done the remap yet mate?

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