Fan activating from cold

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by Agreen, May 2, 2022.

  1. Was working fine a few weeks ago when I last took it out but thought I'd take it round the block before I did some more work prior to mapping and the fan comes on when I start it, typical!

    I seem to be getting a good reading from the sensor and when it hits 90c the thermostat is opening and the temp drops down again.

    I've found tons of threads on here and other sites but none seem to have a conclusion!
  2. Ac pressure sensor plugged in?
  3. Never has been so no change there, unless the wires to it have somehow shorted?
  4. Nick

    Nick RSM Moderator

    Has it been sitting for a while & not used
  5. matt e

    matt e South East RSM Area Rep

    mine used to do this when i removed the aircon, plugged the pressure sensor back it with a bolt in the end of it and it never came back on
  6. It has actually, I had to charge the battery and an error code flaged up a charging/battery issue. I notice its only 13.6v running, maybe the alternator is on its way out?
  7. Nick

    Nick RSM Moderator

    I'd say it's your battery, I had the same problem, I bought a trickle charger & that sorted it out
  8. I charged the battery to full but maybe its goosed?

    Had an issue with one of my other cars, battery charger was showing full but it wasn't holding much charge.
  9. Swapped the battery with one from another car and there's no change, annoying!

    Seriously considering abandoning the whole project, doing my head in now!
  10. It wont be the battery. Wiring issue that, check all the earths are connected at the batt
  11. Took them apart, cleaned them up etc and still the same.

    Thinking out loud here, can't be thermostat sticking open, that would just cause it to stay cold and it will get up to temp then drop as the stat opens.
    Getting a good reading from temp sensor so unlikely to be that.
    Aircon has never been plugged in so no change there.
    Negatives and other connections seem good.
    Tried a different battery and was the same.

    Quickly running out of ideas here!
  12. We are good :grinning:

    Took the relay switch for the fan out, cleaned it up, put it back and boom, back in action!

    Ran the engine up to temp and the fan is coming when needed so all seems good!

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